15 locations
with 55K servers

11 years since
we’ve launched

team members

32+ Tbps

It started
with an idea…

… to bring bandwidth-hungry applications closer to their end users. We knew the demand for reliable dedicated server providers exceeds the supply. Having years of experience in similar industries ourselves, we were sure we can do better than the big players.

Most dedicated
server providers…

… were not hard to outperform. Slow and poorly trained customer support, dubious routing and an insufficient choice of data center locations were our main drivers. Not a long time after we started, we were successful in offering these key missing features for an even more demanding market.

And we wanted to
offer more…

… to our customers. At the time when 1 Gbps dedicated server uplink was considered an industry standard, we were the first to provide truly unshared and unmetered 10 Gbps bandwidth. OctaServer's main mission remains delivering data to end users with the highest speed and efficiency possible.

You are in the forefront

We believe that the essential ingredient to customer satisfaction in our industry is outstanding support right at your fingertips, when you need it the most. Short response times and trained professionals ready to help and give you advice are our core strengths. We also believe that transparent communication is key toward customer trust.

Who relies on us

Companies are using our platform to grow and innovate.